Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mostly White

"Measuring Parallels #20", encaustic & eggshell inlay by Debra Ramsay

"Ghost Writers", acrylic on linen by Edward Evans

Sharon Bartel-Clements
Siri Berg
Elaine Defibaugh
Laura Duggan
Edward Evans
Mary Felton
Sharon Florin
Bruce Iacono
Louis Kunsch
James LoParo
Carl Posey
Elisa Pritzker
Liz Whitney Quisgard
Debra Ramsay
Ann Woodward

Franklin 54 Gallery is pleased to present “Mostly White”, a group exhibition by select gallery artists of works reflecting the season and the many aspects of “white”. This time of year brings on a multitude of feelings and emotions from loneliness and regret to happiness, friendship and giving. It can be a time of melancholy and sadness with exacerbations of depression to that of excitement and wonder. Reflecting on the past year, did we give enough to those less fortunate, were we generous and helpful in our treatment towards others, how patient were we? As always, it is a time of hope and miracles, for us to believe the best in our fellow man and steer away from selfishness and greed. White is a much needed resting place - white can be pure but it is also cold which is why we seek out the warmth of color.

The works in this “Mostly White” show reflect many of those emotions. Most of the show emits a cool stark feeling overall like “Hotel” a silver gelatin fiber print by Carl Posey that is sleek, desolate, stark and crisp - barren with feelings of isolation - welcomed or inevitable? James LoParo’s Bas relief “St. Anton” reflects coolness in its material and process by the hard textural surface of the fresco. Warmth and comfort comes in the pieces of Liz Whitney Quisgard, whose colorful yarn on buckrum squares are warm like the fireplace or welcoming arms. Sharon Florin’s reflection paintings remind us we cannot run away from catching a glimpse of ourselves if we stand in front of these buildings. Elisa Pritzker’s boxed construction “Eyes on the Money” speaks for itself and her piece “Witnessing” is a combination of confronting eyes cast upon us – condemning or congratulatory? Debra Ramsay’s encaustic with eggshell inlay piece “Alone Together” reminds us of broken lives put back together and the isolation one can feel during the process, her lavender “Measuring Parallels” pieces continue the calm. Laura Duggan’s “East River White” oil on canvas square combines the palest of blues and greens to transform into an immersion of whiteness – the ultimate of reflections. Her oil portrait “Kimono” is warm and friendly again adding to the mix with which we view the season. Solace, oil on canvas by Bruce Iacono is just that, a place of solitude to be alone yet welcomed into, as are Ann Woodward’s delicate collages. In contrast are Sharon Bartel-Clements paintings that are fiery, full of life and energy and give us the hope we so desperately want.

“Mostly White”
November 1st, 2007 - January 6th, 2008
Franklin 54 Gallery
181 Christopher Street
New York, NY 10014
Thursday-Sunday 11-6 & by appt

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